This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Getting to know an unlikely bunch: part two

It is common knowledge that, since its creation, the JCCP was asked to be inclusive of all professions and bring about the same standards and regulations for both health professionals and beauty...

The changing face of education during a global pandemic

Venturing back to basics, authors have put forward a vast array of learning styles, with Coffield et al (2014) suggesting that more than 70 have been identified. For simplicity%s sake, I prefer the...

A professional approach to personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic

» Lip treatments, or any involvement of the mouth, must always be considered a high-risk treatment. Combined treatments that involve the lips and other areas are probably the highest risk by virtue of...

Experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic from five aesthetic practitioners

My clinic—West Room Aesthetics—had been open for just 6 weeks before being closed for lockdown..

Practise what you preach and think before you post

This brings me to the main issue that I firmly believe needs addressing, in that there is a growing concern in the aesthetic industry about the increase of over-sexualised and provocative images that...

2020: is there a change in the air for aesthetic practice?

» At the last BACN conference, a vote by members showed overwhelming support for the motion that BACN members would not prescribe or train non-medical practitioners « .

Training in aesthetics and the future landscape

» There is momentum towards tighter regulation and registration of competencies within the industry and the JCCP register is just one example of this « .

Nursing is an art and a science: the year of the nurse and midwife

The year 2020 sees the 200th celebration of Florence Nightingale's birth. Nightingale, leader, icon and pioneer was born in 1820 and died aged 90 in 1910. She is seen as the philosophical founder of...

‘Tis the season to be busy…

While we are nurses first and foremost, we are also businesspeople and have businesses to run. Christmas is an opportunity to meet, greet, treat and retain existing patients and open doors to new...

Respecting duty of care and patient safety when training and prescribing

‘All prescribers must take individual responsibility for their prescribing decisions and should recognise that there are certain areas of practice where remote prescribing is unlikely to be...

The aesthetics journey: prescribing and the new practitioner

Much is documented regarding the practices of prescribing in aesthetics (both in relation to a clinician's own patients and when prescribing for others). Equally, there is guidance available for...

Why choose Journal of Aesthetic Nursing?

Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

What's included

  • Clinical best practice

  • Practice management advice

  • Professional education

  • Cosmetic industry insights

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