Preparing for the challenges ahead

02 July 2020
Volume 9 · Issue 6


As clinics and other businesses reopen, Paul Burgess details the British Association of Cosmetic Nurses' plan for moving forward and making this transition to a new normal as easy as possible

Operational guidelines detailing safe practice for aesthetic practitioners have been well received

The British Association of Aesthetic Nurses (BACN) was hit particularly hard by COVID-19, as the lockdown came just as our annual renewal process was about to begin in April 2020. The BACN depends on memberships to deliver its wide-ranging services and, overnight, this source of income collapsed, as members rightly focused on the impact of shutting down businesses. Many of our nurses also returned to the NHS, and we applaud them for taking that action. We have some amazing stories of how our nurses have responded.

The BACN board acted quickly and developed a plan to ensure the survival of the BACN and to maintain contact with our members. Unfortunately, we had to make the difficult decision to furlough our Head Office team, like many of the businesses in aesthetics. The great news is the amazing response of our members and the huge voluntary effort made by the board, regional leaders and our Chief Executive Officer. Due to this response, we have been able to continue functioning as an association and to maintain a communication platform with our members.

During this difficult period, we have:

  • Issued regular updates to members
  • Maintained our Facebook site
  • Responded to some major issues concerning regulation
  • Provided guidance on the timing and reopening of clinics.

Our operational guidelines for members when they restart their businesses have been hugely well received.

We have also managed to provide responses to Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on beauty, aesthetics and wellbeing requests for views surrounding regulation.

The great news is that our Head Office function was re-established from 1 July 2020. We are already planning for our autumn round of regional events to be delivered in digital format and to re-timetable our annual conference to spring 2021.

Our members are flooding back, and we thank them all for retaining faith in the BACN. The feedback we have received has been amazing, with the overriding message being getting back safely to patients, and how important it is during this process to be part of such a supportive professional body as the BACN. This is not the time to be working in isolation—being able to access a group of peers to discuss subjects such as preparedness, wellness checks and screening patients is important, or even just your own worries and concerns about COVID-19 in relation to aesthetic medicine and practising safely.

We know that we will have to do many things differently moving forward, but we are up for the challenge. Already, so many people and organisations in the sector have produced amazing digital content, and this has been welcomed by our members. The challenge is to build on this now, and to adjust to the new world after COVID-19. The BACN is open for business again and very happy to talk to both existing and new partners on joint working.

The BACN would like to take the opportunity to wish everybody across the aesthetics world good luck in moving forward, and we acknowledge that, for many, the new normal will change the landscape. No one really knows when this terrible pandemic will be over, or if there will be a second wave. As an organisation, we look forward to continue engaging with our many partners and supporters.