This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Practice Management

In sickness and in health

The basis for any discussion on this issue is what the law prescribes. Mark Stevens, a senior associate at law firm VWV, says that employees who are absent from work are protected and can take time...

Moving on

Jessica Booz, a partner, and commercial property solicitor at at Veale Wasbrough Vizards (VWV), says that a leaseholder has the options of assignment, subletting and the use of any break clauses that...

Why mobile user experience is critical for aesthetic businesses in 2022 and beyond

Statistics from (2020) show that over 70% of websites visitors in the beauty sector are using a mobile, and Google data shows that over 60% of all Google searches are done on a mobile...

Streamlining your aesthetics clinic processes

Managing a diary, responding to enquiries and booking in appointments requires a lot of time and energy that could be spent elsewhere in an aesthetic business. Now, more than ever, it is becoming...

Debunking health and safety myths

Many firms see the attraction of using contractors. However, for Phil Crosbie, the ability to pass on liability is not one of them, observing that, for decades, there have been prosecutions of those...

The importance of building (and maintaining) trust

‘People buy from people that they know, like and trust’—Bob Burg .

Movers and takers: do not let secrets walk out the door

There are three general categories of confidential information: general skills and knowledge; confidential information (such as patient lists, financial information and marketing strategies); and...

A guide to mistaken payments

A mistaken payment is different from a fraudulent transaction, which is where a person or business is tricked into paying money to a criminal's account, rather than the genuine account that they...

The social media influencer

» A well-drafted agreement is often the key to maximising engagement with a target audience and maintaining brand reputation—it will make it clear what is expected from both parties, avoid common...

Reward and prosper

According to Lauren Sweeney, head of people at Virgin Incentives and Virgin Experience Days, happy employees should be the aim of any HR team as ‘high staff turnover not only slows business growth and...

Employment law myths—who are you gonna call?

Lucy Gordon puts the concept that an employee can be dismissed with less than 2 years' service and without following a process or giving a reason in prime position for debunking..

Five entrepreneurial challenges to boost your entrepreneurship

However, there is a problem with this arrangement of reptile, monkey and empire builder. The lower parts of the brain are strong and can shut down the higher parts of the brain. For example, if the...

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Journal of Aesthetic Nursing is the peer-reviewed journal at the forefront of medical aesthetics. We share clinical expertise, practical guidance and professional mentorship to help you develop skills and improve your practice.

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