
Butterick's practical typography. 2021. (accessed 8 August 2021)

David Carson teaches graphic design. 2021. (accessed 7 August 2021)

Tschicold J. Die Neue Typographie.Berlin (Germany): Educational Association of German Book Printers; 1928

Using graphic design to convey your brand

02 September 2021
Volume 10 · Issue 7


In this article, Jason Ratcliffe discusses how a specific type of graphic design can convey a style about your brand and generate interest and attention that will encourage audiences to read articles and blogs

Jason's example of graphic design based on this article

We are bombarded with advertising and messaging on a daily basis, so standing out has never been more important. The average person is typically subjected to around 300–700 adverts per day, with social media, such as Facebook, now serving one advert per three posts. Studies into banner blindness have shown that approximately 93% of adverts go unnoticed at a cognitive level, although they may still unconsciously influence behaviour.

With all this informational clutter and noise in our daily lives, how can readers be enticed to look at the message that is being conveyed? How do we make them curious to know more and read the text?

What is graphic design?

Graphic design uses visual composition, such as typography, colour, imagery and layout, to project ideas and solve problems. It is used in several areas, such as visual identity (your brand), marketing, publishing, packaging, user interfaces for applications and even environmental design (signage). Rather than the content itself, graphic design focuses on the visual aesthetics of the message. Its purpose is to catch the reader's initial interest and attention and entice them to read the words on the page.

This article will look at the advice that David Carson, a graphic designer, gives to his students. Carson has worked with many large clients, including Nike, Pepsi, BMW, Prince and the National Theatre (Carson, 2020). His work is characterised as ‘grunge typography’, which was a particularly popular movement in the 1990s among some musicians. Today, his methods are particularly engaging, even before someone begins to read or digest the information. His method is unconventional yet effective, and worthy of understanding when considering your own branding designs.


Typography is the technique of arranging type (i.e. letters) in a legible, appealing and readable way. This is done by setting the size of the text, using bold or italics to emphasise words or concepts, setting spacing between the lines and the length of the line itself and selecting appropriate typefaces (fonts). However, the arrangement of type can also be an art form to capture and convey a specific emotion—even by sacrificing legibility. Carson's typography work throws the rulebook used by word processors away. He changes the angle, spacing widths and typefaces and layout to induce emotion and curiosity.

Selecting a font that can be engaging can be a challenging exercise. Many standard fonts available on your computer (system fonts) have been optimised for the screen, not print, by being simplified and looking clunky when published in print form. Furthermore, many system fonts have been vastly overexposed over the past two decades and no longer stand out. Fonts such as Times New Roman or Arial are unlikely to attract any attention and are avoided by most large organisations and regarded by some to be apathetic (Butterick, 2021). For example, NHS branding is now primarily based on the Frutiger typeface, with Arial only used when Frutiger is not available.

‘With font choice, do not overlook the message behind each font. They have their own personality, and you have to decide, as a designer, which one fits your project the best—one which does not simply carry the information. It will help you reinforce a message’.

(Carson, 2021)

The objective with graphic design is to stand out from the crowd, so experiment with fonts. If possible, use something like Franklin Gothic or Gill Sans instead of Arial, and remember that system fonts optimised for the screen will not stand out when they are printed. I suggest looking at Butterick's website to understand which system fonts are acceptable to use, and which should be avoided (Butterick, 2021).


The grid layout used by many designers is a two-dimensional horizontal and vertical framework that specifies elements such as margins, columns, containers and gutters. It became popularised in the 1950s, although its origins can be traced back to Jan Tschicold's 1928 book, Die Neue Typographie.

A good layout helps the reader easily digest information, and a bad layout will either be ignored or, worse, mislead the reader. A particularly bad example of a layout going wrong is the butterfly ballot paper used by Palm Beach County, Florida, in the November 2000 election. The list of candidates was interleaved on the left and right of the page, with a voting registration column in the middle. It made perfect sense, as it enabled automatic tallying of votes, but left the voter disorientated when they had to make a choice.

Using a standard layout method as a guide helps to prevent these problems, but it was never intended to become a clinical methodology. It became ingrained, as it became the basis for today's word processing and desktop publishing. The problem is overuse again, which can make the layout feel stagnant and detached.

Breaking that convention can make an article stand out and give it a human feel. Put things in the wrong place and play with different angles and typography. If you have got two columns of text, play with the angles and widths until the result has the right balance. This might sound counter-intuitive, but monolithic blocks of text are unlikely to engage with the reader.

One of Carson's intriguing traits is using imagery that is not directly related to the subject matter but conveys the atmosphere and a sense of intrigue regardless. For example, he will zoom in to a small photo area or use blurred images to express a feeling.


A logo is the most significant design element for a brand and is often the first point of contact for the wider world. A logo should be striking, so that people who are unfamiliar with the brand notice it, and memorable enough to endure, regardless of where or when it was seen.

Initially, the logo design should be kept as simple as possible until one particular style fits. Initially, it is a good idea to keep it as a black and white image, and the design should be strong enough to work without colours, such as the Apple or Nike logo. Do not fall into the trap of literal or lazy logos—the more literal they are, the less interesting they become.

Get inspired

The most remarkable ideas invariably come when they are least expected; however, those ideas are rarely the result of passivity or idleness. Carson uses his smartphone camera to capture artificial details of his everyday surroundings, such as flyers, signage and posters. In the same way as drawing pictures of people, which is fraught with social insecurities and warped perceptions, it can be liberating to break it down into lines, curves and proportions, rather than the headline message that it is trying to convey. Think about which messages are effective: which do not work? Can some of this be translated into inspiration?

One of Carson's techniques is to use collages of type and imagery while avoiding literal references. The great thing here is that a few photos, some text and a pair of scissors to a few photos can be played around with, without needing to know anything in particular about using your computer in this way. Working with physical bits of paper can loosen up your brain and express things in new ways. Practice graphic design for something outside your business or job to get experience.

Most adverts for aesthetics clinics have a default picture of a woman's face. Instead, what if an image that conveyed an emotion, such as confidence, was used? Why is the picture always of a woman? Challenge yourself to come up with something that is not literal and will fit.


One of the worst expenses you can incur for your business is marketing that does not get noticed and subsequently convert into leads. Understanding graphic design will help you build your brand's aesthetic, as it is as important as the message you want to convey.

While understanding graphic design will hopefully inspire you to take a different view on your brand marketing, always reach out to friends to get their opinions on your work. Of course, there are professional graphic designers who can be hired and, hopefully, you now have a better appreciation of what their talent and experience can do for you while developing some ideas of your own.